AN industry partnership initiative, led by the Centre for Supply Chain and Logistics at Deakin University, is now moving into the next stage of its agenda to increase the number of women in supply chain jobs and careers.

The three-year Wayfinder program was launched in Geelong on International Women’s Day last year with lunches then held in Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Newcastle, Perth and Adelaide.

Along with 14 major corporations and organisations, CSCL is now moving into the next phase of the program which is to include a half-day course.

The course is aimed at those not yet employed in supply chain and logistics, and will provide women (and men) with the knowledge, and confidence to consider and apply for new careers in supply chain and logistics.

The course is to give participants a solid understanding of key concepts and developments in supply chain management and why they matter for businesses and society. The course will also demonstrate the exciting career opportunities and advancement pathways.

This half-day program starts by explaining what a supply chain is and how it makes modern living possible.

It takes participants through the basic functions and flows of a supply chain as well as a discussion of why managing real-life supply chains is important.

Additional topics covered include the basic trade-offs in supply chain management, ethics and an overview of the emerging technologies.

Class dates are as follows:

Sydney, 17 May 2019, Australian National Maritime Museum

Melbourne, 28 May 2019, Deakin Downtown