CONTAINER cargo through Port Adelaide increased in May 2023, according to the latest statistics from Flinders Ports.

Total full container throughput at Port Adelaide came to 24,090 TEU in May this year. This was an increase of 2.7% on May 2022.

This uptick was driven by an increase in exports. In May of this year, Flinders Ports handled 12,809 TEU of export boxes, compared with 11,756 TEU over the same month last year – an increase of 9%.

Imports decreased slightly over the period – with Adelaide handling 11,281 TEU in May 2023. This was down 3.5% (from 11,697 TEU) the previous month.

In May this year, Port Adelaide handled 7562 TEU of empty containers – both import and export. This was an increase of 68% on the same month last year (4496 TEU).

Month-on-month numbers jumped significantly in May – up 37% from April’s total full container throughput of 17,587 TEU. Both imports and exports were low in April – 7718 TEU and 9869 TEU, respectively.

In May this year, the port handled a total of 28 containership calls (and 117 for the calendar year to date), up from 21 in May last year (and 99 for the first five months of 2022).