PORT of Brisbane’s container throughput in May totalled 126,918 TEU in May – a 2% increase on May last year – according to the latest trade statistics available from the port.

Containerised imports increased in May, compared with the same month last year. The port handled 64,266 TEU that month – an increase of 8% on the same month in 2022.

The category that saw the biggest increase over the period was “import other” – increasing 7.8% to 28,844 TEU. Containerised imports of building products increased 5.5% to 6202 TEU, household items decreased 14% to 5625 TEU and electrical equipment saw almost no change at 4783 TEU.

Containerised exports from the Port of Brisbane saw a decrease in May, dropping from 60,442 TEU in May 2022 to 55,675 TEU this past May – a decrease of 7.9%.

“Export other” was the largest containerised commodity exported through the port at 11,419 TEU, a decrease of 16% on May 2022.

Agricultural seeds was the next biggest containerised export with 6287 TEU, an increase of 23% on May last year. This was followed by meat products at 5493 TEU (up 18.6% on May 2022) and cotton at 3226 TEU (up 18%).

Also, Port of Brisbane saw a significant decrease in its largest export: fresh Queensland air. The port exported 26,107 TEU of empty containers in May this year, a decrease of 15.7% on the same month in 2022.