PORT of Melbourne reported a decrease in total container throughput in January on the same month last year.

A total of 257,227 TEU crossed the wharves at Melbourne in January, a decrease of 6.7% on January 2022. The port also reported that (financial) year-to-date container volumes were down 2.6%.

Imports of full overseas containers (excluding transhipments) were down 11.1% on January 2022. Furniture; metal manufactures; domestic appliances; paperboard; and toys and sports goods were all below last year’s volumes.

Full overseas exports were down 18.4% on January 2022, with hay and fodder; pulp and waste paper; and dried milk were all below last year’s levels.

Looking at empty container movements, we see a 2.7% increase on January 2022.

Dry bulk trade through the port in January decreased by 18.8% compared with the same month last year. Dry bulk throughput was also down, by 2.4%, for the financial year to date.

Breakbulk also decreased in January, 14% below the same month in 2022. However year-to-date breakbulk trade was up 6.3% for the year to date.

And motor vehicle imports volumes were 4.5% below January 2022.

The port said container trade in February was tracking below the same month last year.