CONTAINER throughput at PSA’s Singapore operations in 2022 decreased by 0.7% on the previous year.

The port’s operator, PSA International, said its Singapore division handled 37 million TEU in 2022.

The company’s operations around the world, including in Singapore, handled a total of 90.9 million TEU. This, the company said, was a decrease of 0.7% on 2021.

PSA group CEO Tan Chong Meng said the world experienced another challenging year in 2022.

“Although most countries were emerging from the global pandemic, many continued to suffer from the negative aftershocks which were compounded by the war in Ukraine, higher energy prices, global inflation and supply chain disruptions,” he said.

“Despite the challenges, I was heartened by the ability of our management, staff and unions to adapt and to honour promises to our customers across PSA’s ports, cargo solutions, marine and digital businesses – they showed their grit, resilience and an abiding commitment to excellence. Just as importantly, I am deeply grateful for the continued support of our customers and partners as we worked closely together to keep cargo moving and trade flowing.”

Mr Tan Chong Meng said going into 2023, the world is experiencing deep transitions towards new realities.

“While these times of change can be uneasy, PSA stands steady against the headwinds that may come our way as we continue to build on our core business of ports and – coupled with the acquisition of BDP International last year – widen our focus in enabling more agile, resilient and sustainable supply chains,” he said.

“We will partner closely alongside our customers, partners and stakeholders to future-proof our journey ahead, and continue in our mission to be a supply chain orchestrator, realise an Internet of Logistics and bring about more sustainable global trade.”