THE New South Wales government has announced a $65 million funding package to boost biosecurity mitigation measures.

The intent of the new package is to fast-track the development of vaccines against foot and mouth and lumpy skin diseases.

It also includes $3.5 million to drive forward plans for a national mandatory sheep and goat electronic identification system.

The government said it is also committing $55.8 million to practical, on-ground biosecurity risk mitigation and response preparedness activities.

The commitment comprises $26.3 million to expand a trained response workforce of at least 2000 experts and $17.8 million for on-ground animal control activities such as funding to control potential infected premises.

It also includes $9.7 million to enhance disease surveillance through new intelligent track and trace technology; and $2 million to roll out targeted extension and awareness campaigns to educate livestock owners, handlers, and the community on clinical signs and reporting requirements, as well as how to reduce risks.

Minister for agriculture Dugald Saunders said the package would help address the impacts an incursion of FMD – or any other exotic animal disease – would have on NSW and Australia.

“This funding will immediately boost our ability to make an early detection of an exotic pest or disease in NSW, deploy cutting edge technology to survey and diagnose diseases and train a response ready workforce to manage a significant outbreak,” Mr Saunders said. 

“We need to be prepared to fight and eradicate any exotic pest and disease that arrives on our shores, and this investment means we will have the right army and technology ready to do just that.”

Mr Saunders said farmers, livestock agents and agricultural experts believe the measures will play an instrumental role in building confidence amongst the sector that the government is equipped and ready for the fight. 

“Today, through this announcement, we reinforce our commitment that we will do whatever it takes to keep our world-class agricultural sector safe.”

Deputy premier and minister for regional NSW Paul Toole said the development of vaccines for FMD and Lumpy Skin would be “a game changer” for NSW farmers.

“Current FMD vaccines are made using the virus itself, meaning even vaccinated animals have to be destroyed for Australia to regain our FMD-free status following an outbreak,” Mr Toole said.

“The development of a synthetic mRNA vaccine could be the key for Australia to apply for FMD-free status without having to destroy vaccinated animals, allowing us to preserve our trade status.

Mr Toole said Australia currently enjoys FMD-free status, which means the nation is still able to export produce to international markets.

“The world is also yet to develop a killed or synthetic vaccine for Lumpy Skin, so having these two mRNA vaccines in our arsenal should these diseases reach our shores would give us a clear edge on the world stage.

“Our message is simple: We are doing everything we can to keep NSW free of FMD and Lumpy Skin Disease, but we are also preparing for the worst by investing $229 million this year alone – the biggest investment by a single jurisdiction on exotic pest and disease control.”