A “COMPREHENSIVE submission” about safe people and practices around heavy vehicles has been lodged with the National Transport Commission by the National Road Transport Association.

NatRoad chief executive Warren Clark said one issue given insufficient attention is the industry practice where customers expect transport operators to accept substandard contracts.

“Consideration of safe practices within the road transport industry must confront the issue of unfair or oppressive contract conditions,” Mr Clark said.


NatRoad members are concerned contract conditions in the industry are unfair adding to commercial pressures.

“In the submission lodged on 30 August 2019, we have given a number of examples of where the current law could be applied to assist members,” Mr Clark said.

“Members have told NatRoad that the increasingly strict application of ‘time slot’ requirements is having an adverse effect on their businesses,” he said.

“This is where a contract provision gives a very constrained window of opportunity for a driver to complete a delivery. However, the usefulness of the current provision directed at controlling these kinds of practices up the chain has not yet been formally tested.”

Mr Clark said they would welcome the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator or a state-based agency taking action against those parties who insisted on allocating tight time-slots which had harsh contractual consequences when not met.