ACFS Port Logistics has implemented 100% paperless truck entry at its Port Botany empty container park in a move described by industry as “a significant stride in a commitment to bolster efficiency”.

Last week the ACFS e-Depot NSW ECP at Gate B59, 3-5 Simblist Road, Port Botany introduced Optical Camera Recognition (OCR) and License Plate Recognition (LPR), along with CAMCO Technology Gate entry processing for trucks.

ACFS says the improvements will have a noticeable positive effect in the industry with benefits that include:

  • Increased security – The camera technology will scan and read the truck registration on arrival and match it against a valid slot booking, while the CAMCO screen will confirm the job and issue the driver with a ticket indicating the depot location for drop-off or pick up of containers.
  • Increased productivity – The new technology will see the truck turnaround times (TTT) reduced by as much as 30%.
  • Improved operational flow – Under the 24hr / 5 day operation, the site will have the capability to process trucks faster (5-10 minutes per truck visit), thus being able to take on more volume without disruption. This also means that clients will be better serviced while mitigating detention.
  • Emissions Reduction – The benefit of reduced idling and driving time will have a positive effect on reduced emissions.

“This news comes welcomed at a time where severe delays are being met at every key milestone of a container movement,” the company said. “ACFS prides itself on being at the forefront of the latest industry technological enhancements.”

Applauding the development as a win-win for the depots and transport operators alike Container Transport Alliance Australia encouraged all ECP operators to transition to paperless truck entry processes and to consider the benefits of the OneStop Modal platform, “which is now evolving to be far superior to other depot management technology platforms”.