THE PORT of Devonport has received certification from EcoPorts, a global environmental and sustainability standard for the ports sector.

Devonport is the first Tasmanian port to be certified, and the third in Australia after the ports of Newcastle and Geelong.

TasPorts CEO Anthony Donald said the recognition demonstrated that TasPorts was operating at an environmental standard in line with other certified ports around the world.

“It is an important, independent accreditation benchmarked against a global port environmental standard,” he said.

“It recognises our commitment to environmental management and sustainability, providing external credibility to the port and TasPorts.”

According to TasPorts, EcoPorts is the only environmental management standard specific to the global port sector that addresses and manages the complex environmental challenges at ports.

Mr Donald said TasPorts is hoping for EcoPorts certification for its four major ports.

“TasPorts is planning to have its other major ports at Burnie, Hobart and Bell Bay certified to the international standard this financial year (2023/24),” he said.

“The accreditation process is a good internal process to go through.

“It allows for a greater focus on the unique environmental nuances of each port, allowing the organisation to develop a deeper knowledge of the environmental assets of each port.”

TasPorts highlighted a construction charter, signed as part of the QuayLink project, as a case study for Devonport’s accreditation.

TasPorts, Spirit of Tasmania and the Hazell Brady joint venture have signed a formal charter committing the parties to protecting the local marine and coastal environment during construction.

TasPorts also said it is aiming to minimising any inconvenience to East Devonport businesses and residents while the works are underway.

“Also today, TasPorts has released the QuayLink Sustainability Snapshot, a forward-thinking reporting method that captures the decisions, activities and outcomes that enhance sustainability across the project,” Mr Donald said.

“By measuring our impacts and committing to an open and transparent reporting process, the Sustainability Snapshot covers environment, social and governance measures that go above and beyond industry compliance measures positively contributing to our port communities.”