GREEN shipping, sustainable ports and risk were the focus of day two of the Ports Australia Business and Operations Conference.

The BizOps conference brought 250 port leaders together in Geelong to thrash out the biggest issues facing the sector now and in the coming years.  

The day began with the inaugural Women in Ports Breakfast, featuring a panel discussion between Jeanine Drummond, Monika Lemajic and DHI’s head of digital port services Prema Bhautoo.

The formal conference program got underway with an opening presentation from the newly appointed Ports Victoria interim CEO Jacinta Mackey.

And a discussion on green ports, chaired by Port Authority of NSW senior manager environment Christa Sams, broke down the work ports are doing to reduce emissions in the supply chain.

“It’s a challenge and a complex issue for all ports to grapple with, being a green port,” Ms Sams said.

“Whilst our consideration of what makes a green port can move in many spheres, it’s often how a port can influence the operations of the vessels and landside activities that it brings.”

Another highlight of the day was a discussion on risk in the ports sector; the nature of those risks and what the industry can do to manage them.

DCN will feature a full round up of the Ports Australia BizOps conference in its upcoming October magazine edition.