TASPORTS is preparing for the next major step in the delivery of the $240 million port infrastructure project in Port of Devonport.

TasPorts CEO Anthony Donald said QuayLink had on Thursday taken delivery of its first headstock, an otherwise unassuming block of concrete set to be the first structural element of the new build that connects the piles with the wharf deck.

“This first headstock is one of 28 precast pieces all of which are being manufactured in Tasmania,” Mr Donald said.

“Twelve of these are currently being manufactured at Hazell Brothers’ precast facility in Brighton while the remainder are being manufactured by TasSpan in Latrobe – and they vary in size between 30 and 61 tonnes.”

Mr Donald said the placing of the first headstock will be a significant milestone for the QuayLink project.

“The headstocks support the wharf deck and are connected to the top of the piles – they’re made of special marine grade concrete with a low water cement ratio,” he said.

“Once lowered in place by a crane, the headstock is structurally connected to the supporting piles using concrete and steel reinforcement.”

Mr Donald said as the largest port infrastructure development by TasPorts in a generation, the procurement from three different businesses enables more Tasmanian businesses to play a role in delivering the new home for the Spirit of Tasmania ships.

“With Hazell Brothers, VEC and TasSpan all manufacturing precast elements assigned specifically according to their particular capabilities and strengths, the production of precast for the project is a truly collaborative effort on the part of Tasmanian industry,” he said.

Hazell Brothers director Geoffrey Hazell said his company plays a significant role in the production of precast supply for Tasmania’s largest new wharf infrastructure with our manufacturing plants being used for different elements of the infrastructure.

“The company has already completed the manufacture of planks and edge beams for the wharf approach bridges at our facility in Burnie while headstocks for the approach bridges and a number of the headstocks for the wharf are being manufactured at our production facility in Brighton,” he said.

The QuayLink upgrades will increase freight capacity of Bass Strait freight by 40% when the upgraded Port of Devonport opens in 2027.

Over the next six months TasPorts will progressively hand over the newly developed port space for TT-Line to commence its construction.