KIMBERLEY Marine Support Base has issued formal notification to the Kimberley Ports Authority that it plans to commence a $200-million port infrastructure project at the Port of Broome.

A statement from the Western Australian government said the investment would “reshape the trade landscape, enhance regional development, and enhance the Port of Broome as a thriving maritime hub”.

According to the statement, the facility’s design leverages deep waters to create a berth pocket of at least 17 meters deep at low tide, eliminating the need for dredging.

The design incorporates a 9900-square-metre floating wharf, with heavy lift capability, connected to a landside abutment via a wide dual-directional causeway. It is to be located about 200 metres south of the existing Broome wharf.

The floating wharf design addresses operational challenges associated with Broome’s large tide variations.

The WA Environmental Protection Authority gave the project the green light in August 2020.

The development is fully privately funded and is supported by the WA government and KPA.

WA company Total AMS was appointed as the lead contractor to undertake the works, with completion scheduled for early 2025.

WA Ports minister David Michael said the Kimberley Marine Support Base facility signifies a momentous leap toward strengthening our regional infrastructure and enhancing trade pathways.

“This project aligns with the Cook Government’s commitment to fostering economic growth, ensuring safe operations at our ports, and boosting connectivity for our communities,” he said.

“I welcome this significant investment by the proponents of the facility, as a vote of confidence in the Kimberley economy.”