PORT of Brisbane has received a five-star rating from the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark.

The 2022 financial year was the fourth consecutive year the port has achieved five stars from GRESB.

GRESB is a benchmarking tool that evaluates and ranks organisations based on their environmental, social and governance performance over time and in comparison with other participants.

Port of Brisbane’s overall score increased from 94 out of a possible 100 in 2020/21 to 29 out of 100 in 2021-22.

PBPL said this positions the port as the top ranking port in Australia out of six in the port companies – maintenance and operations division.

The port is also ranked 31out of 681 infrastructure assets globally.

PBPL chief executive officer Neil Stephens said the port was delighted to achieve the highest star rating for the fourth consecutive year.

“This is an outstanding result, and we’re very proud of what we’re achieving across the business through our sustainability efforts,” Mr Stephens said.

“When we first formalised our commitment to sustainability in 2019, we set ambitious 2030 sustainability goals across our four pillars of people, prosperity, partnerships and planet.

“In July 2021, we took that commitment further by putting sustainability at the centre of our Business Strategy, and we’re continuing to make strong progress towards these within our organisation and in collaboration with our customers and partners.

“We’re seeking to be a sustainability leader within the port industry. While we know we know there is much more work to be done on our sustainability journey, results such as these demonstrate that we are on a very positive path.”

PBPL highlighted several sustainability initiatives that contributed to the result including its first sustainability linked loan and use of renewable energy.