WILHELMSEN Port Services has acquired European port agent Vopak Agencies and a portion of its software company.

Wilhelmsen announced the acquisition in October last year. As part of the deal, it has also acquired 50% of diize, a digital software company developed by Vopak Agencies.

Vopak Agencies specialises in hub services and port agency in European tanker segments.

“This opportunity came at a perfect time for us with our ambitious growth strategy both targeting new segments as well as expansion of services in the port value chain,” Wilhelmsen Port Services president Neal de Roche said.

“Now begins the work to bring the knowledge and experience from Vopak Agencies and diize into Wilhelmsen as well as to our global network of customers.”

Wilhelmsen Port Services said the acquisition supports its new growth strategy, aimed at becoming a leading partner in the port markets it serves.

It described Vopak Agencies’ position as a tanker specialist in North-West Europe as “a perfect fit”.

Wilhelmsen Port Services said it has a global maritime network of 2200 ports.