SVITZER PNG has recently supported the Buria Rugby League team from Lealea Village to compete in the annual Southern Nines tournament held in Port Moresby, the company said.

According to local media, the Southern Nines tournament was held on 11-15 December and some 80 teams were expected to compete for a major price of K15,000 (about $6140). The tournament has been held annually since 2003; however, due to the pandemic the event wasn’t held in the past few years.

Svitzer PNG supplied rugby shirts for the full Buria Rugby League team.

The team was formed to provide education and training through sport to youths. According to Svitzer, the team also instils respect for authority and provides young villagers, who do not have access to educational support, with an opportunity to work as a team.

Svitzer PNG said it is glad to help a worthwhile local cause and wishes the team the best of luck in the future.

Svitzer runs an operation in Port Moresby. According to its website, it operates two vessels there.