THE AUSTRALIAN Peak Shippers Association has announced its new board and committee of management.

APSA appointed the new board following its 33rd annual general meeting on 3 August, re-electing Olga Harriton as chair of the association.

Ms Harriton is global logistics manager at Manildra Group. She welcomed the association’s plans moving forward.

“We look forward to building a constructive dialogue with the federal government, key stakeholders across commerce and expanding our involvement in both Asian and broader global advocacy activities,” she said.

APSA also elected Brian Thorpe of Visy Procurement as vice chair, Flaminio Dondina (Casella Family Brands) as treasurer and Paul Zalai (FTA) as secretariat.

Billie Davies (Australian Meat Industry Council), Brian Wright (Australian International Movers Association), Michael Lamperd (Norco), Sarah Granger (Fletcher International Exports), Michael Brittain (AGT Foods Australia) and Mark Christmas (QMAG) were also elected.

Peter Morgan, former CEO of the of Australian Council for Wool Exporters and Processors, stepped down from the committee to transition to retirement.

“We thank Peter for his valuable contribution and are grateful to otherwise have stability with the returning committee plus the addition of experienced supply chain specialists, Michael Brittain and Mark Christmas,” APSA said.

The AGM on Thursday also focused on key operational issues facing Australian exporters and the need to achieve positive outcomes on emerging reforms, both locally and internationally.