THE AUSTRALIAN Maritime Officers Union has agreed to hold off taking industrial action against employer Poseidon Sea Pilots at the Port of Brisbane for at least another week.

The AMOU and PSP met at the Fair Work Commission on Friday 4 August to negotiate an enterprise bargaining agreement for PSP’s Brisbane workforce.

FWC meetings on Friday closely followed the pilots’ unanimous vote of support for protected industrial action in the form of work stoppages, overtime bans, and several other bans.

Although the outcome of the ballot gave pilots the all-clear to take industrial action, negotiations were progressing well (according to the union and employer) and pilotage in Brisbane remained business-as-usual.

But negotiations aren’t over yet; the AMOU and PSP are due to return to the FWC again on 11 August to continue discussions.

AMOU senior organiser Tracey Ellis said Friday’s commission meeting went well.

“We have reached agreement on a number of items and have another conciliation conference booked in with vice president Asbury on Friday 11 August,” she said.

“As a show of good faith the AMOU has promised not to take protected industrial action before the commission on Friday.”

AMS Group CEO Glen Marshall also said Friday’s meeting was positive, with parties reaching agreement on most points. 

“AMS Group clearly explained the financial implications of the AMOU claims, which received a fair hearing,” he said.

“By understanding the long-term mutual benefit of working together we believe the pilots will achieve what they desire in a fair and reasonable timeframe without jeopardising the company’s budget or unnecessarily impacting the Port of Brisbane stakeholders.

“We are grateful to the AMOU who committed to identifying efficiency and productivity gains that will support to offset the EBA costs.

“We appreciate the flexibility of the pilots and their willingness to holster arms for another week as AMS Group prepares a final submission.”