PORTS Victoria has announced a towage services determination for the waters of the port of Melbourne.

Ports Vic issued Svitzer Australia with a non-exclusive licence, effective 1 March 2024, following an application process.

Ports Vic gazetted the determination on 29 February 2024 Port Management Act 1995 (Vic) following an application process.

In determining the requirements of the Towage Services Determination, Ports Victoria engaged with Port of Melbourne as the port operator, Fire Rescue Victoria, industry and government agencies to define the towage requirements that respond to the safety and efficiency needs of towage in port of Melbourne waters.

Ports Victoria’s CEO Craig Walker said the move represents the first towage services determination issued for a Victorian commercial port.

“It provides a base to ensure sufficient towage is available for the port of Melbourne’s needs and will enhance the safety and efficiency of this critical port service,” Mr Walker said.

“I want to thank everyone at Ports Victoria who were involved in this important work.

“We will soon start the process to implement Towage Services Determinations and licensing regimes at other Victorian commercial ports.”