STAGE two of the Albany Waterfront master plan is about to begin which is set to activate the culturally and economically significant precinct.  

After the completion of stage one of the plan, managed by the Great Southern Development Commission, an application was made to the WA state government’s Regional Development Leverage Fund, facilitated by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. 

And $409,500 has been allocated to deliver stage two of the master plan, with Southern Ports providing a further $20,000 to support delivery of the project. 

Stage two of the plan will develop a roadmap for future development of the Albany Waterfront, including unlocking the potential of State-owned assets such as Southern Ports’ Port of Albany and the Albany Entertainment Centre. 

The planning process will focus on maximising the potential of the significant community, economic, environmental and cultural value of the area, while identifying and supporting stakeholder aspirations and concerns. 

Southern Ports CEO Keith Wilks said the next stage of development will ensure an economic boost for the region. 

“We support that economic development because that drives engagement with the community and it recognises the history of Albany which is WAs oldest city,” Wilks said. 

“It will drive commercial activity which is compatible to the port which then blends the interface of the port to the rest of the waterfront and the city itself. 

“That’s what we’re hoping to get out of the next phase of the planning and that’s why we’re supporting the other agencies to do that work. 

“There are some terrific natural synergies to be explored and we’re looking forward to seeing what can be achieved.”