SVITZER’S official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen this week saw the company’s staff, customers and stakeholders gather at events around the world to celebrate occasion.

The towage provider was admitted to trading and officially listed on the stock exchange on 30 April at 0900 in Copenhagen, which was 1700 in Sydney.

Svitzer’s Australian event was hosted at the Balmain Sailing Club in Sydney that evening, where guests enjoyed drinks, canapes and ringing the bell to signal the Copenhagen’s 0900 stock market opening.

Sydney guests were also treated to a fire-equipment display by the crew of Svitzer Swift.

Svitzer said its listing (Nasdaq Copenhagen: SVITZR) reflects “a natural next chapter” after 45 years as part of A.P. Moller-Maersk.

“We are excited about this next chapter and significantly the value we can offer our customers, investors and other stakeholders as a stand-alone company,” Svitzer CEO Kasper Friis Nilaus said in a statement.

“In particular, the innovation and excellence we can drive in the sector, helping customers in meeting government and regulatory decarbonisation obligations, whilst maintaining safe and reliable shipping and port operations,” he said.

Nasdaq Copenhagen head of listings Carsten Borring said Nasdaq was proud to welcome Svitzer Group to the Nasdaq Copenhagen Main Market.

“With the listing of Svitzer Group, we are adding a strong and solid industrial company to the main market with strong roots to the C25 company Mærsk A/S, and we look very much forward to following the company’s further journey as an independently listed company,” he said.

Svitzer has also experienced a strong trading start to 2024. More details on its latest financial results are available here.