ON Tuesday 16 May, Australian Mariners Welfare Society held a function for AMWS members and representatives of the seafarer welfare community in Sydney.

The event was preceded by a meeting of the AMWS Council and the Society’s Annual General Meeting.

Several AMWS members attended, including representatives of two corporate members: Shipping Australia and the League of Ancient Mariners.

The guests who joined on the day represented a cross section of the organisations and individuals AMWS supports and works with to promote the welfare of seafarers past, present and emerging.

They included Reverend Un Tay from MTS Sydney, Sister Mary Leahy from Stella Maris, Michelle Grech the chair of Australian Seafarers Welfare Committee.

Simon Robards from AMSA Sydney; Shane Hobday the chair of the Sydney Port Welfare Committee; Jason Juretic from Stepping Stone House; Emily Fry from the Young Endeavour Youth Scheme; and the directors of the Sydney Bethel Union, Clive Goodwin, Derek Lightfoot and James Cowper.

A special guest was Margaret Longstaff, the widow of Malcolm, a long serving AMWS Councillor who left a bequest in his will to support the training scholarships offered by AMWS.

David Parmeter, chair of AMWS, welcomed the members and guests and thanked them all for their support and dedication. Special mention was made of Rev Tay and Sister Mary for the outstanding work they do assisting seafarers visiting Sydney.