EVERY year since 2010 on 25 June, we mark the International Day of the Seafarer.

This year, the International Maritime Organization has chosen to focus on seafarers’ contributions to protecting the marine environment.

The IMO is this year marking the 50th anniversary of International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, which is the main international agreement around preventing environmental harm from ships.

In a video message about the day, IMO secretary-general Kaitack Lim said seafarers play an increasingly important role in helping to protect the health of our ocean and planet.

“Every day at sea they help to enforce IMO’s environment-related treated by implementing rules on garbage and sewage and air pollution prevention,” he said.

“Seafarers voices and actions are key to ensuring a just transition to a zero-carbon future.”

The day of the Seafarer was established in 2010, and its stated purpose is to recognise the unique contribution made by seafarers from all over from all over the world to international seaborne trade, the world economy and civil society as a whole.