DAILY Cargo News is delighted to announce cadet journalist Huw Murday as the newest member of the editorial team.

Mr Murday joined DCN on 20 May, kicking off his cadetship with coverage of industry events and valuable contributions to the daily news.

Based in Queensland, Mr Murday’s background is in both shipping and journalism. He continues to report from Brisbane.

DCN publisher Lindsay Reed said she was very happy to introduce Mr Murday as DCN’s cadet journalist.

“Huw has a real appetite for learning, an obvious talent for journalism, and a passion for all things maritime – all of which we are sure will only grow further as he works alongside Abby, Dale and the rest of the DCN editorial team,” Ms Reed said.

“I look forward to seeing Huw learn from the team, and to seeing his individuality reflected in the pages of DCN. I know he will be welcomed by all of industry.”

Mr Murday said his first few weeks on the job have been fantastic; he enjoys writing stories in an area he’s passionate about.

“Of course, being from a shipping family, there was always a DCN magazine around the house growing up. So, in that sense it’s exciting, gratifying and, at the start, a bit surreal,” he said.

“To be able to properly enter the world of journalism under the guidance of DCN has been a great introduction. Every time an article of mine gets published and I see the byline, it’s a good feeling.”

Mr Murday said he’s looking forward to solidifying and expanding his understanding of journalism.

“I have to give a lot of thanks to my colleagues here at DCN for getting me up to speed as well and being patient as I learn the DCN style conventions,” he said.

“I think I bring an individual style to my writing, where someone who reads my pieces can sort of tell that it’s me. The goal is, of course, to contribute newsworthy stories that people get excited to read.”

As the only DCN journalist based in Brisbane, Mr Murday is also looking forward keeping an ear to the ground and covering local issues.

“Having worked in different shipping-related jobs for eight years now … I hope to contribute the occasional South East Queensland story with a personal touch – when something exciting happens, that is.”

Mr Murday can be contacted at huw.murday@thedcn.com.au.