WORKING with state and territory governments to ensure smooth supply chains should be a focus for whichever party forms government after 18 May, the Australian Logistics Council says.

The ALC recently released its priorities for the logistics sector ahead of the election in a document entitled Freight: Delivering Opportunity for Australia.

The document identifies 39 priority actions.

Chief executive Kirk Coningham said the ALC priorities had been identified by industry participants as critical to improving the efficiency and safety of Australia’s supply chains.

“With our industry having received a bipartisan commitment to finalise the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy, the first priority for whichever party wins on 18 May must be to work with state and territory governments to finalise and implement action plans that will ensure the strategy delivers for industry,” he said.


Mr Coningham said enhanced supply chain performance was not a niche issue.

“Every individual Australian relies on freight every day, no matter where they live,” he said.

“If we are going to meet the challenges that arise from a growing population and changing consumer expectations around rapid delivery, it will be necessary to implement the sorts of reforms ALC has set out today.”

Mr Coningham said the priorities the ALC identified touched on a range of issues, including planning and investing in freight infrastructure, enhancing road and rail network productivity and strengthening export performance through enhanced freight infrastructure in Northern Australia.

“There are also suggestions for improving the industry’s environmental performance by encouraging uptake of electric freight vehicles, ensuring the industry is able to access data that will allow more effective monitoring and measurement of supply chain performance, improving the wider community’s understanding of this industry and enhancing its ability to interact safely with freight vehicles,” Mr Coningham said. “While many of these reforms will be challenging, they are absolutely essential to securing Australia’s continued economic success and creating more liveable communities.”