VICTORIA International Container Terminal announced landside fee adjustments, due to come into effect at the beginning of 2022.

VICT said it had completed a review of its tariffs for the upcoming year, which includes some lines being reduced, others remaining the same, and others increasing.

Additionally, the stevedore said there would be a new tariff line for side-loader trucks visiting the terminal. The fee is to be $67.

In a notice to customers, VICT said the new charge would cover the manual elements of handling each container on this chassis type.

“This is necessary due to … the obstruction that the trailer design presents to our automation,” the notice said.

Import storage charges are going up across the board, at an average increase of around 7%.

Increases to VICT’s VBS charges are largely nominal. For example, the list fee is going from $76 to $79.50, as is the off-slot fee, and the no-show fee is going from $175.50 to $205.

However, the slot fee is seeing a significant increase, going up 68% from $18.25 to $30.75.

And there is one fee in the VBS charges that is going down: the VGM weighing fee is going from $40 to $35.