A MOVE by Melbourne empty container park Containerspace to adopt 1-Stop’s depot operating system 1-Stop MODAL as well as its vehicle booking system has been welcomed.

Containerspace announced last week that the two systems would bring an “unprecedented increase” in connection and visibility across the supply chain.

CTAA director Neil Chambers said 1-Stop MODAL was a fully integrated solution with the existing VBS platform.

“One huge advantage is that the 1-Stop platform has 100% integration with electronic import delivery orders provided by all shipping lines,” Mr Chamber said.

“Having this electronic data readily available will reduce the manual data entry task for Containerspace and transport operators alike.

“This should eliminate the unproductive need for transport operators to provide paper or email verification.”

Mr Chambers said the arrangement would be a big bonus for Containerspace.

“We certainly look forward to working with Containerspace to drive truck processing and turnaround time efficiencies through paperless gate entry,” he said.

“In fact, the use of the 1-Stop platform for terminal and empty container park entry will increase information visibility across the supply chain for containers transacted on the platform.”

Mr Chambers said CTAA also welcomed the commitment of 1-Stop to continue to provide 21 days’ credit terms for 1-Stop MODAL VBS invoices.

CTAA is to help 1-Stop and Containerspace to hold webinar sessions to allow transport operators, fleet controllers and others to become familiar with the 1-Stop MODAL VBS booking process.

“CTAA congratulates Containerspace and 1-Stop on this development and we look forward to working with them to ensure a smooth transition,” Mr Chambers said.